Corner of Tuckerman Lane and Luxmanor Road
For more information about Luxmanor, visit the Luxmanor Citizens Association.
The history of Luxmanor is based on information from the following sources:
[A] Amtrak, (accessed October 22, 2011).
[AM1] Atlas of Montgomery County, Maryland, vol. 2 (1949).
[AM2] Atlas of Montgomery County, Maryland, vol. 2 (1959).
[CD] (accessed April 18, 2009) (this website does not appear to base its estimate on the complete Luxmanor neighborhood).
[CLK] Clare Lise Kelley, “Jewish Developers and the Built Environment: A History of Early Jewish Community in Montgomery County” (1930-1979); presentation at Montgomery County Historical Society Conference, 2017.
[EM] Eileen McGuckian, Rockville: Portrait of a City (Hillsboro Tennessee, Franklin Press, 2001), 153.
[GP] Georgetown Preparatory School, (accessed October 22, 2011).
[H] An Autobiography of the Rev. Josiah Henson ("Uncle Tom"). From 1789 to 1881. With a Preface by Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe, and Introductory Notes by George Sturge, S. Morley, Esq., M. P., Wendell Phillips, and John G. Whittier. Edited by John Lobb, F.R.G.S. Revised and Enlarged. London, Ontario: Schuyler, Smith, & Co., 1881., pp. 23, 57. Univ. of North Carolina, Documenting the American South, (accessed Nov. 5, 2011, Feb. 9, 2019).
[HC] U.S. Census Bureau, Historical Census of Housing, (accessed April 18, 2009).
[HM] Hopkins Map of Montgomery County, 1894.
[HSR] John Milner Associates, Inc., Historic Structure Report for The Riley House / Josiah Henson Site, 11420 Old Georgetown Road, Rockville, Maryland; prepared for Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission and Montgomery County Department of Parks (June 2008).
[LC] Library of Congress, Grosvenor family papers, (accessed March 29, 2009).
[M] Maloney interview, March 28, 2009.
[MB] Martenet, Simon J, Martenet & Bond, and Schmidt & Trowe. Martenet and Bond's map of Montgomery County, Maryland. [Baltimore: Simon J. Martenet, 1865] Map. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.
[MC] Montgomery County Department of Parks (accessed March 23, 2019)
[MCHS] Montgomery Connections, Civil War in Montgomery County, Montgomery County Historical Society, (accessed October 21, 2011).
[MHT1] Maryland Historic Trust State Historic Sites Inventory Form, Congressional Airport/Congressional Shopping City (Memo to file Dec. 30, 2003, from P.E. Kurtze, re: M:26-21-6).
[MSA] Maryland State Archives, (accessed October 22, 2011).
[NIH] Michele Lyons, 70 Acres of Science: The National Institute of Health Moves to Bethesda. Office of NIH History (2006).
[P] Personal observation.
[PA] Potomac Almanac, April 13, 1988.
[PD] Memorandum from C. L. Kelly, Countywide Planning Division, to Montgomery County Planning Department memo, May 22, 2008, (accessed March 30, 2009).
[PHH] Peter Howard Hebert, communication March 5, 2019.
[PR] Peerless Rockville, (accessed March 24, 2019).
[Q] Quayle interview.
[RA] Real Estate Atlas of Montgomery County, Maryland, 1916.
[RD] Reed Bros. Dodge History Blog (accessed March 19, 2019).
[RF] National Register of Historic Places Registration Form for Riley/Bolten House, Nov. 7, 2011.
[S] Suto interview
[SH] Suburban Hospital website (accessed March 29, 2009).
[TTD] Washington, D.C. History (accessed April 20, 2009).
[USC] U.S. Census Bureau.
[W] Wikipedia Article, North Bethesda,,_Maryland (accessed March 29, 2009).
[WP1] Shannon, Luchs Reveal Plans of Subdivision; The Washington Post; July 15, 1934, p. R2.[WP2] Fisher, Marc; Unique Montgomery Property for Sale: Uncle Tom’s Cabin; The Washington Post; December 13, 2005; p. B01.
[WP3] 700 Persons View Luxmanor, New Subdivision in Maryland; The Washington Post; July 22, 1934, p. R5.
[WP4] Bethesda Lighted by Flaming Cross, The Washington Post; March 4, 1932, p. 11.
[WS1] Smith, Gretchen; Legendary Scene of Uncle Tom’s Cabin is Restored; The Washington Star; July 30, 1939.
[WS2] Washington Sunday Star, October 19, 1919.
[ZI], (accessed April 20, 2009).
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